Monday, April 12, 2010

Meet Maisie!

I've had my new car since November, but it has been so hard to figure out a name for it! My old car, Dyna, had so much character and the name fit from the beginning! But with this new car...there hasn't really been anything to help me think of a good name! So I've been brainstorming with friends for the past few months, but nothing really seemed right. Then I was with my friend Shiree last week and we seriously went through probably 100 names, lol! Finally she said, what about "Maisie"? And I liked it! Actually, the lady I visited as a part of my elderly and aging class was an author, and her main character was named Maisie! I had liked the name then, and while I don't think I'd name a child that I do like it for my car.

So, meet Maisie:

And then we brainstormed more titles for my blog, and this is it:

"Driving Miss Maisie!"

I know it's kind of corny, but considering this is a blog about my roadtrip and things I see as I'm driving around, it fit...!


  1. I thought the name was fantastic! In fact, that was the first thing I noticed. I love it.

  2. Thanks!! it took us a while to figure it out!
